random facts
Random fact #1 - I know what you're thinking...oh great it's another list...but I can't help it! I love lists:)
PS What do you think of my new header?
Random fact #2 - The first rose bloomed yesterday!!!!
Random fact #3 - Exactly one year ago today we saw our house for the first time! I still can't believe it's been a year...
Random fact #4 - MeMe (top picture) and Lilly (bottom picture) drew some rather...interesting people on the sidewalk...
Random fact #5 - We went to the outdoor mall yesterday after going to the dentist (no one has cavities!)...I found these blossoms extremely cool.
Random fact #6 - Jeremiah and my dad were shooting rubber bands in each other's mouths last night. Someone please save me.
(I have video evidence, but I'll spare you the interestingness of it)
Random fact #7 - Chocolate ice cream and frozen raspberries make a really good combination. Yum.
What are some random facts of your past few days?
PS What do you think of my new header?