Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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happiness is...

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for Happiness Is! 

The rules are simple. All you have to do is write a post with two things that make you happy (please link back to me so others can join in the fun!) and link up.

Also, Happiness Is now has its own button!
Please feel free to grab it. (Note: This button does not automatically link back to my blog, it is only a picture with words on it. Just FYI.)

Here are my two things...

Happiness is...

...homemade lemonade. Nothing says summer like this does! And...I'll give you the recipe that we use. Because I love ya.

Homemade Lemonade
-Two large lemons
-1/2 cup sugar
-4 cups water

Roll the lemons on a flat, hard surface to make the juicier. Slice in half and squeeze into a pitcher (if you don't have a citrus juicer, you can just use your hands - just make sure the seeds don't get mixed in the lemonade).
Pour in the water and the sugar and mix well.
If you prefer your lemonade without pulp, you can pour everything through a fine strainer.

How easy is that?! Now I need some lemonade.

...going swimming for the first time this year. I really love summer.

What are two things that have made you happy this week? Link up and have fun!

Just a note - my giveaway is still open until Saturday! If you haven't entered, please do so. :)