Posts tagged happiness is
happiness is...
Today is our last day in Germany. Sigh. I'm ready to go back, as my dad is already home, but if it weren't for him, I'd definitely want to stay here much, much longer.
The school load is going to drastically increase, as well as the responsibility, I won't get to see my grandparents everyday, I'll miss the kittens that were born on my aunt's farm a few weeks ago, among many other things. Then again, I know that it will feel good to be home again, but while we're still in Germany...I don't want to go.

But enough wallowing in self pity. I'm going to cheer myself up with some happy thoughts :)

Participating is easy. Just write a post with two things that have made you happy this week (including the button below in your post) then come back here and link up! So simple.

Happiness Is...

Oh, and thank you to everyone who voted on the poll (which is now closed) regarding which direction Happiness Is should take! I've put up another poll asking whether you want to leave Happiness Is on Wednesday or move it to a different day. I'm going to reveal the changes I've planned next week :)

Happiness is...

montmartre in paris

...Paris. You knew this was coming, didn't you? But Paris is definitely happiness. Which I'm sure you already know from reading my posts on it the past few days ;)

i love kittens

...kittens. I think they're one of the sweetest things on earth. These kittens were born on my aunt's farm about three weeks ago. They're seriously adorable. I so wish I could take one home with me...

Your turn!

happiness is...
It's that time again...time for Happiness Is!

If you haven't played along before, it's simple. Just write a post with two things that have made you happy this week, add the button (directly below) to your post, then come back here and link up! But please write the post before you link up :)

Happiness Is...

Happiness is...

...finding out that I'm going to Paris! That was definitely the highlight of my week. I can't believe I leave the day after tomorrow already!

...sisterly love :) This was taken on MeMe's birthday, and it was so sweet how excited Lilly was about everything. Super cute.

Your turn!


PS Would y'all like to continue Happiness Is? Or would you rather have some sort of a photography blog hop (I'm not sure yet what kind)? I'm curious :)
happiness is...
Greetings, loved ones! It is now time for Happiness Is!

Great. Now I sound like I'm from the 1600s or something. 

Anyway, if you haven't played along before, it's simple. Just wrote a post with two things that have made you happy this week, add the button (below) to the post or just add a link to my blog, then come back here and link up!

See? Easy as pie.

(Going off on a bunny trail here, why in the world is it called "easy as pie"? Why not "easy as cookies" or "easy as a rhino" for heaven's sakes! Besides, the one time I made pie, it wasn't easy it. It took me far too long. *cough*threehours*cough* But I'm digressing.)

Happiness Is...

Happiness is...

...MeMe, Jeremiah, and my dad arriving back safely from their trip. They left on Friday to visit my two older sisters (sadly I wasn't able to come along this time) and came back last night. I'm so glad the family is back together again!

...beautiful, sunny weather. Every time we come to Germany we're usually blessed with good weather, but most of our time here it's been rainy and cold. I've learned that I thrive on sunshine. Even when it's cold, the sun makes all the difference.

So, what has made you happy this week? Link up and let me know! (Or, you can leave your answers in the comment section on this post)

happiness is...
This week has just flown past. It seemed like I just wrote about how the next Happiness Is would be hosted from Germany...and here we are. Wow. Time really flies!

If you've never played along before, it's simple. Just write a blog post with two things that have made you happy this week, grab the Happiness Is button, and come back here and link up! (Please link up AFTER you've written your post, please.)

Happiness Is...

I'll start.

Happiness is...

...stormy clouds, bringing with them the sure promise of a thunderstorm. One of my favorite things :)

...finally being in Germany (and not getting sick on the plane - a big milestone for me!). I'm unbelievably happy right now.

What has happiness been to you this week? Link up and let me know (Or, if you'd rather not write a blog post, let me know in the comment section)!
