happiness is... It's that time again...time for Happiness Is! If you haven't played along before, it's simple. Just write a post with two things that have made you happy this week, add the button (directly below) to your post, then come back here and link up! But please write the post before you link up :) <div align="center"><a href="http://pastors-girl.blogspot.com"><img alt="Happiness Is..." src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1064/4732886685_1331802b43_m.jpg" /></a></div> Happiness is... ...finding out that I'm going to Paris! That was definitely the highlight of my week. I can't believe I leave the day after tomorrow already! ...sisterly love :) This was taken on MeMe's birthday, and it was so sweet how excited Lilly was about everything. Super cute. Your turn! -carlotta PS Would y'all like to continue Happiness Is? Or would you rather have some sort of a photography blog hop (I'm not sure yet what kind)? I'm curious :) carlotta cisternasSeptember 29, 2010happiness is, paris12 Comments Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes