a lovely summer list
Hannah wrote a post with things she'd like to do/accomplish this summer. With her permission, I'm writing a summer list of my own.
Finally learn how to swim the crawl stroke. I only know the breaststroke...isn't that sad?
Redo my desk - at least a fresh coat of paint, but maybe new knobs too. Or, maybe find a desk at a antique/thrift store and redo that one. We'll see. One thing I like about my current desk is that it "belongs" in our house...we bought it from the previous owners.
Find a swim suit - before the summer's over. I CANNOT find anything!
Complete the teen summer reading program at the library.
Watch lots of sunsets...and take pictures of them. (above photo taken last summer)
Get up before 9am at least once (Preferably around 6...we'll see how that goes) to sit outside and enjoy the soft summer morning air.
Begin a healthier lifestyle. I'm naturally VERY skinny, but...I'm not the healthiest. I'm going to try to exercise more and eat better...and hopefully with that I'll gain some more weight and feel better overall.
Learn how to use a DSLR camera.
Go to Paris (If it happens, it would be in September when we're in Germany...so not technically summer, but I'm throwing it in here anyway.)...and fill up my camera's memory card until it can no longer hold any more pictures.
Do a photo shoot with my siblings.
I think I'm going to add onto the list in another post...what are some of your summer plans?
Finally learn how to swim the crawl stroke. I only know the breaststroke...isn't that sad?
Redo my desk - at least a fresh coat of paint, but maybe new knobs too. Or, maybe find a desk at a antique/thrift store and redo that one. We'll see. One thing I like about my current desk is that it "belongs" in our house...we bought it from the previous owners.
Find a swim suit - before the summer's over. I CANNOT find anything!
Complete the teen summer reading program at the library.
Watch lots of sunsets...and take pictures of them. (above photo taken last summer)
Get up before 9am at least once (Preferably around 6...we'll see how that goes) to sit outside and enjoy the soft summer morning air.
Begin a healthier lifestyle. I'm naturally VERY skinny, but...I'm not the healthiest. I'm going to try to exercise more and eat better...and hopefully with that I'll gain some more weight and feel better overall.
Learn how to use a DSLR camera.
Go to Paris (If it happens, it would be in September when we're in Germany...so not technically summer, but I'm throwing it in here anyway.)...and fill up my camera's memory card until it can no longer hold any more pictures.
Do a photo shoot with my siblings.
I think I'm going to add onto the list in another post...what are some of your summer plans?