happiness is...
Last week I said I was thinking about closing the linky for Happiness Is. I've decided to give it one more week - if there are less than five, I'm going to close it for an indefinite amount of time. Sound fair?
...well, this picture describes it all. It sums happiness up for me ;)
...evening sunlight streaming through blades of grass. And sun flare.
What has made you happy this week? Link up and have fun! (Or, if you don't have a blog, let me know in the comments)
On a side note... A very close family friend of ours was recently diagnosed with a form of lymphoma - we found out about this just last night. Right now he is in the hospital for an unknown amount of time. I was totally stunned when I heard this news. It was so unexpected. He is like family to me...to all of us. I've known him as long as I can remember. I can't even think about what might happen as a result as all of this. If you wouldn't mind, please say a prayer for our friend. It would mean the world to us.