happy birthday, dad!

1. My dad :)
2. Part of his present - new outdoor lounge chairs and German beer
3. Opening one of his gifts (an iPod).
4. Flammkuchen - what we had for dinner. Recipe coming soon :)
5 & 6. My dad's birthday "cake"...Rhubarb Crisp. I have about 10 other photos of it...but I'll spare you. Yes, I went a bit snap happy. Thanks for asking. ;)

Today is my dad's birthday! It was a lovely day :) Unfortunately I didn't get to see him until 4:30 this afternoon...I slept in too long and he left for work. Oops. Anyway. Moving right along. We gave him some new outdoor lounge chairs - he can now relax in style. ;) In addition to that, he got an iPod (the newest generation...I'm jealous.), iPod cases, and truffles...yes, the same ones that I made for my mom. Well, not, you know, the same truffles but the made from the same recipe. Ha.

It's also my friend Louis' 13th birthday today! Yes, my dad and Louis share a birthday...my dad being forty years his senior. Hop on over to his blog and wish him a happy birthday, will ya? I know he'll greatly appreciate it :)

How has your day been?

Oh, and there's still time to enter in my giveaway if you haven't already done so!
