miscellaneous ramblings
home. You've probably already noticed, but I'm back from our whirlwind impromptu trip
down to Texas - we got back yesterday afternoon. The funeral was hard. Very hard. I have a big bump on the inside of my lip - the flesh that I kept on biting trying to hold back tears. At first it worked, but in between the funeral and the reception I lost it and started sobbing. Thankfully only for about 30 seconds...I feel sorry for our old neighbor, who was talking to me at the time.
The photo above is of our friend's land, which was one of the most important things in his life. I snapped it at the reception, which was at his neighbor's house. It may not look like much, but this picture is precious to me.
i hate picasa web albums. I really do. Assuming you use Blogger, every single picture you upload gets automatically transfered to Picasa Web Albums. The catch is, you only have a certain amount of storage. And when you exceed that limit, you can no longer upload photos on your blog, unless you delete some. That's what happened to me today. I had to delete some pictures (which were also deleted from my blog) so I could upload more. Sigh.
rosie. Rosie is
my friend's yellow lab. When I went to her house a few days ago, this is how Rosie was lying at one point. When Andi grabbed my camera to take a picture, Rosie started wagging her tail - but remained in the exact same position. Cracked me up.
sweet boy. Today I had to babysit for a family whose kids I regularly watch. When one of the little boys saw me come in the door, he yelled, "Carlotta!" and jumped on me with a huge hug. I mean
jumped. I ended up hold him. Sweetest. thing. ever.
piano. I'm starting my first teaching job on Monday...I will be teaching a little girl from our church piano. She's already taken one year of piano, so I hope she'll learn as much from me as from her previous teacher...wish me luck! ;)
ice cream sandwiches. A few years ago, we got some ice cream sandwich makers, similar to
these (we got them from
Williams-Sonoma, but I don't think they're sold anymore). Tonight we decided to make some of these delicious treats - mine was a pig. Is it not the cutest thing?! I can't get over the little snout.
lilly. She just cracks me up. She found a picture of Justin Bieber in the newspaper (Note: I'm definitely not a fan, but she adores him. For whatever reason.), cut it out, and kissed it. Twice. Then she said she wished he was her dad. Umm...
She also said that she had a dream about Jeremiah, and in the dream, he was her husband. But they weren't married, Lilly insisted. He was just her husband. Snort.