Posts tagged miscellaneous ramblings
miscellaneous ramblings.
Sometimes random, especially while noshing on oreos, is good. Hence, this mishmash of topics, photos, and words on a Friday night.

The chirps of crickets and cicadas were a backdrop between the steady slap-slap of our shoes as my mother and I took the dog for a walk. The air, while still sticky and warm, had cooled off; i.e., ninety one degrees versus the one hundred and five earlier in the day. To prevent yourself from overheating, the only tolerable way to be outside is either early in the morning, in the evening, or in the pool.

sheets on the line

Brought on by a friend's facebook status, I've been researching all the silly laws in states across the country. For example, did you know that it's illegal to bring an elephant into the downtown area in Oklahoma? And whaling is illegal. (Darn, no more cruising the street in my boat, harpoon in hand. Ahem.) In Georgia, it's not allowed to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays. These are the quirky things that make life worth living, y'all.


I'm a lover of change. I rearrange and shift things around before I'm even aware of what I'm doing. My room was my latest project.

After raiding the basement and going through forgotten about drawers, my room was in a state of disarray while I moved, arranged, and nailed things into place. My favorite element? The collage of inspiration covering  a wall.

wall of inspiration

It's a hodgepodge of clippings from all sorts of magazines; from Gourmet to miscellaneous fashion magazines, I can't stop staring at it. While I love Pinterest, sometimes it's nice to actually pin things physically.



I've begun writing down rare and/or interesting words as I come across them. That makes me seem terribly nerdy, doesn't it? But if being called a nerd is the worst I get, it's worth it. After all, how else would I have discovered words like corybantic, prink, and clinquant? (Also, I'd like to point out the fact that neither of those three words were recognized by spell check. But I promise they're real.)


I've been thinking a lot about simplifying lately. Every moment I spend on the computer is another moment lost. Thus, I've decided to close my Etsy shop. I've been pondering doing this for some time, by upon reading Arielle's post, I'm finally going through with it.
When I started my shop, I though it would be fun to make a little money on the side by selling my photos. However, I hadn't thought on how much work it would be. Heck, I'm still a student and not exactly knowledgeable in running a business. That's not to say I won't ever reopen it in the future, but for now I'm removing "entrepreneur" from my list of titles. I've had the best experience, but I'm happy to be renewing my focus on other things.


If it wouldn't have made him run away in fright, I would have given the mail man a big hug this morning. Why? Because he brought this lovely to me.

my new ipod ;)

I'm smitten, y'all. And of course half the apps I've downloaded have to do with photography. (any app recommendations?)

i love instagram.  

ipod case

And I smile every time I see my case.



Happy weekend, friends! Any plans? Do tell!


PS I'm heading out of town again this sure to watch out for some super cute guest posters! :)
absence makes the heart grow fonder.
alternatively titled: miscellaneous ramblings. (giveaway winners announced below!) 

view from my room
(view from the balcony of my dorm room at camp)
home. The Civil War's Barton Hollow album is playing on replay, a soundtrack to confirm there's nothing quite so sweet as arriving home from a week away. While the time I was gone was all kinds of amazing, I missed my family and coming home to the joyous squeals of MeMe and Lilly warmed my heart so much. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. 

window ledge

Where did I go? Worldview Academy. After the week I spent there, I am refreshed, renewed, and restored in my faith. I've grown so much as a Christian and the people I met there are truly amazing.
Also, shall we give a round of applause to the lovely bloggers that posted while I was away? Y'all were wonderful -- thank you, thank you, thank you!


"sorry, this blog has been removed." These words greeted me as sat down at my computer for the first time in six days and, consequently, a panic attack, tears, and sadness ensued. Was pastor's girl's ponderings, the blog I nursed and nurtured from metaphorical newborn, really gone? Just like that? 
My mother and I worked feverishly to discover the problem and, hopefully, to restore my blog with everything intact. We discovered that I was hacked by someone in China and Blogger temporarily suspended my account to prevent the intruder from doing further damage. Thank you for all your sweet facebook messages, emails, and tweets inquiring what happened -- everything is, thankfully, under control now and my password has been changed.


But though the outcome was okay, this scare made me realize how fragile everything is. After this past week of deep thoughts, questioning, and learning at Worldview, when faced with this dilemma, I was suddenly conscious of the meaning of Job 1:21 ("The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”). The Lord has blessed me with this blog and all of you, and it's ultimately in His hands, not mine.

infatuated with the farmer's market. I'm so in love with it, y'all. It radiates such a happy, full-of-life aura I get giddy from. Early Saturday mornings are best spent there. 


giveaway winners. I'm so happy y'all loved the giveaway last week -- and welcome to all my new readers! I'm delighted you're here.
email me

The winner of the headband from Natalie: Abbey!
The winner of the twenty five dollar gift certificate from New Fashioned Whispers: Emily!
The winner of the rosette bobby pins from Blythe: Bella Skye!
The winner of the turquoise cameo earrings from Rachel: Jennifer!
The winner of the four 4x6 prints from my etsy shop/blog: Lucia!

Congratulations winners! Please email me and we'll get your prizes to you as soon as possible. (note: If I don't hear from you within forty eight hours of this post being published, I will have to pick new winners)

also, i want a piglet. Really, really want a piglet. 

All together, now: aww. Seriously, though, I think piglets might just be the cutest things on earth.

at the dock

And I wouldn't have mind having my own lake, complete with a dock either. Ahem.

Happy Saturday!

miscellaneous ramblings.
 blogger is frustrating.

(ignore my creepy faces, please ;))
(and I'm pulling out my hair in the middle and right photos. but you can't really see my hand. heh.)
This was me much of yesterday. I was so frustrated at Blogger, y'all. Deleted posts and comments, uninstalling my new blog design, and leaving me unable to access anything. We need tshirts that say "I survived the Blogger crash of May 2011!" on them. Ahem.

peacock feather earrings

But new peacock feather earrings can remedy such frustrations. Me = a happy girl.

ruche lookbook love.

{ruche lookbook: burlington}
Have you seen Ruche's new lookbook yet? I'm dying of prettiness overload. Some more favorites from the collection: Charlotte, Elloree, Greenville, and Monetta. Swoon.

vintage bottles are my favorite.


I found this bottle a few days ago in our house and snatched it up immediately to add to my collection. I don't know what it is about old bottles, but they leave me in dreams of elegance and the whiff of perfume from long ago. Sometimes I wish I could go back to times gone by, even if just for a moment. Looking at old photographs, peering into everyday life from long ago, it's another thing I've added to the list of what I love about photography.

chocolate ice cream + cookie chunks + strawberries = delicious.

ice cream

My favorite way to use up cookies that have dried up is to chop them up and sprinkle over ice cream. Add some strawberries from from our garden and you have yourself the perfect dessert.

some honesty.
Sometimes, I just need to be honest, especially when it comes to blogging. I can't tell you how many emails and comments I've gotten asking how to build a following or a few wistful lines stating they wish they had more readers. But y'all, numbers aren't everything. Don't get discouraged because you may not have as many readers as you'd like. Don't think, "If only I had as big of a following as she had, everything would be so easy." because it's not true. Just blog because you love it and readers will come. 

oklahoma weather.


It's interesting, that's for sure. Since we're located in the very center of the US, we get everyone else's "leftovers" with the wind. I'm talking seventy five degrees one day and a foot and a half of snow the next. Yes. I'm not complaining though  it's so beautiful.

Happy Saturday!

miscellaneous ramblings.
first off, the photo challenge finalists and winner.

My gosh, it's taken long enough, hasn't it? I apologize.

The finalists are Jaymi, Abbey, Lindsay, and Tara.

The winner is...

Abbey! Congratulations! Your photo drew me in from the very beginning. I love the soft focus and the water droplets in the background. It perfectly encompasses a rainy spring day.

when life gives you lemons, take photographs?
Lemons are a fruit I've always had a fondness for. Who can resist their sunny yellow color or sour, pucker-inducing juice? And when summer comes, a glass of chilled homemade lemonade is perfection. 

because eleanor says it best.

"A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." –Eleanor Roosevelt 
Yes. Just...yes.

lace {111/365}
i like thrifting.

Going thrifting is like looking for nuggets of gold. There's nothing like the rewarding feeling after searching through rack after rack until finding the perfect piece. Upon walking into a thrift store, I spied a "the lace jar", which was filled with beautiful old lace. Thirty five cents later, I left with a yard of lace. Do I know what I'm going to do with my newly acquired lace? Of course not. I'm just a lover of pretty things is all. 



We had noodles for lunch today, the perfectly creamy, cheesy, tri-colored kind. They were delicious and made me nostalgic for the days of eating boxed macaroni and cheese at the kitchen table.

exactly why do they feel the need to?

Mothers of teenage daughters that dress just like them, that is. I don't mean to offend, but I could really do without seeing those moms in tight shirts matching their daughters' and skinny jeans.

a side fishtail braid tutorial.

(excuse my embarrassing faces, please...)

Due to popular request, here's a little how-to on the fishtail braid. 

Instructions (in case you couldn't decipher the photos ;))

Move all your hair to one side and separate into two parts (photos one and two). Take a small section from the back of the rear part and bring it over to the front part (photo three). Take a small section from the front part and bring it over to the rear section (photo four). Repeat (photos five, six, seven, and eight) until finished.

(The smaller sections you take from each part, the more defined your plait will be) It takes some practice to hold everything properly, but don't worry, you'll get it.


out of all the books we’ve published in the last few years, I think these are my favorite. I need to aquire the whole collection from work <3
Could I just take the whole series home with me, please? Swoon.

a request.

To close, I have a request. I've rather over-listened all my current songs and I need some new ones. Any suggestions? What music do you have on replay at the moment? 

Happy Thursday!
