absence makes the heart grow fonder.
alternatively titled: miscellaneous ramblings. (giveaway winners announced below!)
home. The Civil War's Barton Hollow album is playing on replay, a soundtrack to confirm there's nothing quite so sweet as arriving home from a week away. While the time I was gone was all kinds of amazing, I missed my family and coming home to the joyous squeals of MeMe and Lilly warmed my heart so much. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. Where did I go? Worldview Academy. After the week I spent there, I am refreshed, renewed, and restored in my faith. I've grown so much as a Christian and the people I met there are truly amazing.
Also, shall we give a round of applause to the lovely bloggers that posted while I was away? Y'all were wonderful -- thank you, thank you, thank you!
"sorry, this blog has been removed." These words greeted me as sat down at my computer for the first time in six days and, consequently, a panic attack, tears, and sadness ensued. Was pastor's girl's ponderings, the blog I nursed and nurtured from metaphorical newborn, really gone? Just like that?
My mother and I worked feverishly to discover the problem and, hopefully, to restore my blog with everything intact. We discovered that I was hacked by someone in China and Blogger temporarily suspended my account to prevent the intruder from doing further damage. Thank you for all your sweet facebook messages, emails, and tweets inquiring what happened -- everything is, thankfully, under control now and my password has been changed.

But though the outcome was okay, this scare made me realize how fragile everything is. After this past week of deep thoughts, questioning, and learning at Worldview, when faced with this dilemma, I was suddenly conscious of the meaning of Job 1:21 ("The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”). The Lord has blessed me with this blog and all of you, and it's ultimately in His hands, not mine.

But though the outcome was okay, this scare made me realize how fragile everything is. After this past week of deep thoughts, questioning, and learning at Worldview, when faced with this dilemma, I was suddenly conscious of the meaning of Job 1:21 ("The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”). The Lord has blessed me with this blog and all of you, and it's ultimately in His hands, not mine.
infatuated with the farmer's market. I'm so in love with it, y'all. It radiates such a happy, full-of-life aura I get giddy from. Early Saturday mornings are best spent there.
giveaway winners. I'm so happy y'all loved the giveaway last week -- and welcome to all my new readers! I'm delighted you're here.
email me
The winner of the headband from Natalie: Abbey!
The winner of the twenty five dollar gift certificate from New Fashioned Whispers: Emily!
The winner of the rosette bobby pins from Blythe: Bella Skye!
The winner of the turquoise cameo earrings from Rachel: Jennifer!
The winner of the four 4x6 prints from my etsy shop/blog: Lucia!
Congratulations winners! Please email me and we'll get your prizes to you as soon as possible. (note: If I don't hear from you within forty eight hours of this post being published, I will have to pick new winners)
also, i want a piglet. Really, really want a piglet.
All together, now: aww. Seriously, though, I think piglets might just be the cutest things on earth.
And I wouldn't have mind having my own lake, complete with a dock either. Ahem.
Happy Saturday!