i splurged and i'm proud of it
A few days ago, I went to Target. Dun, dun, duunnn. But seriously, Target is my downfall. My weakness. And one of my true loves. I adore that store.
I digress (I can digress easily when I talk about Target. Please tell me I'm not alone.).
While my mom picked up some things in a different part of the store, I perused the clothing section. I selected three tops that I liked, and headed to the dressing room, not expecting that any of them would fit me (you have no idea how hard it is to find clothing that actually fit!).
I tried the first one on and was shocked to find that it rested on my body like it was tailored to fit me. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the other two fit perfectly and looked great.
Let me preface this by saying I'm not a spender. I'm definitely a saver; it's just my personality. Before making a purchase, I usually think long and hard about whether I need it or not. But finding three adorable tops that fit like a glove, when it's quite rare to find an article of clothing that actually fits? It's too hard to pass up.
So I bit the bullet and splurged. And I'm proud of it. I'm glad that I could let go and treat myself a bit, even if it was a little hard to do. ;)
Want to see what I got?
Want to see what I got?

I adore this one - from the lace at the top to the fun floral print...I just love it. And it has pockets! Squeal.

This tank top. (I know it looks like a dress in the top photo, but I promise it's not :)) It's amazing. I hate it when ribbed tank tops stretch out after wearing - but this one is made of 10% Spandex, so it stays nice and stretchy after wearing. I plan on going back and buying out the store's supply ;)
(Juniors Long and Lean tank top, if you're interested. I highly, highly recommend it.)

This is such a cute little sweater - and I know it will be put to good use with fall coming up. I love the elbow sleeves (is that what they're called? I have no idea), and it has pockets too! I adore pockets. If you haven't already noticed.
(I got a bit snap happy...sorry. I was just excited ;))
And on top of this, I went to Old Navy and got two pairs of jeans and some flip flops. I love Old Navy jeans...it's pretty much the only place they fit me perfectly. But the jeans were more of a necessity, as mine from last year hit, oh, mid calf. Yes, I grew a lot this summer ;)
Moving right along.
Have you splurged on something recently?
Also, my giveaway ends TONIGHT. It's your last chance to enter if you haven't already done so!
Also, my giveaway ends TONIGHT. It's your last chance to enter if you haven't already done so!
Happy Sunday!
PS I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging in the post - I'm just genuinely excited about my new clothes and I wanted to show you. Please don't take it the wrong way! :)
PS I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging in the post - I'm just genuinely excited about my new clothes and I wanted to show you. Please don't take it the wrong way! :)