happy birthday, meme!

Are you getting tired of saying "happy birthday" yet? Just hang for one more day, because it's MeMe's 7th birthday!

I can remember her birth like it was yesterday. Our whole family (at the time being my mom, dad, Jeremiah, and me) was actually there when she was born. When we heard, "It's a girl!" and heard MeMe's first cries, I ran out to the other room where my brother was watching Mary Poppins. "The baby's here!", I exclaimed. "It's a girl!" Jeremiah barely glanced at me, his eyes fixated on the TV screen. He gave a very uninterested, "Oh.", and turned back to his movie. I still crack up over that.

Though she was officially named Mariam Elizabeth, on the drive home from the birthing center we agreed on calling her MeMe as a nickname. It really stuck ;)

MeMe was a very quiet, content baby. She rarely fussed, but always wanted to be held. Being overjoyed to finally have a little sister, I gave no objection and held her as often as I could.
When she was almost two, we moved to a St. Louis seminary so my dad could become a pastor. She was amazingly good during all the packing and traveling.

MeMe instantly bonded with the little girl two months her junior whose family lived above our apartment on the seminary campus. For the two years the family lived there, they were inseparable. They were so adorable together! 

When it came time to move again - this time to Oklahoma, MeMe was old enough to actually understand all the hustle and bustle that was moving. It was so fun to see the exciting, thrilling thought of moving to a new state through her eyes. 

That was already three years ago. Where does the time go?! Now, MeMe, you're seven! I can't wait to see how the rest of your life unfolds.

Happy birthday, MeMe! I love you. :)


PS I know she looks a little somber in these photos, but I love how they draw attention to her eyes. And no, she's not really that pale ;)