we've arrived!
We arrived in Germany safe and sound this afternoon. Because of the seven hour time change, it's now about seven pm while I'm writing this, while it's still around lunch time for most of you!
Except for a twenty minute delay due to weather, the flights went very well - I didn't even feel sick to my stomach once! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers...they were greatly appreciated.
They say a picture says a thousand words, so I'll post some photos from the flight...they don't really need much explaining.
Unfortunately, the weather is cold and rainy, like it often is in German fall...hopefully it clears up a bit soon - I'm itching to get out and take some pictures! :)

(Love you, Andi! :))

Except for a twenty minute delay due to weather, the flights went very well - I didn't even feel sick to my stomach once! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers...they were greatly appreciated.
They say a picture says a thousand words, so I'll post some photos from the flight...they don't really need much explaining.
Unfortunately, the weather is cold and rainy, like it often is in German fall...hopefully it clears up a bit soon - I'm itching to get out and take some pictures! :)

My best friend and me on the way to the airport - she and her dad were so kind and dropped us off.
(Love you, Andi! :))

When we got to the airport, Lilly was totally enamored with the sight of all the airplanes. She rushed to the huge wall of windows and hardly left it. Even though she'd flown before, she didn't really remember...

A little snack while waiting for our connecting flight at the Frankfurt airport - a chocolate croissant. Nobody can make them like the Germans can!

Also in Frankfurt - Starbucks in Germany! I knew they existed, but I'd never seen one. It even smelled the same.

Group shot in an elevator...nobody except for my mom was looking at me ;)

Airport bokeh!
In conclusion, I'm super duper happy we're here...I can't wait see the rest of our family - annddd, like I said before, take lots of pictures! :)
These last few posts have been pretty much all about Germany...and me. So, enough about me! (And Germany...hehe) I want to hear what you been up to lately! I'm all ears.
I hope to see you for Happiness Is tomorrow!