a few of my favorite things

Neatly wrapped balls of yarn. This particular ball was previously a jumbled up mess until I finally took the time to untangle it. It's so much easier to work with now.
Sunny seventy five degree weather in late November. Yes, it's true. As I'm typing this, it's over seventy five degrees outside. I guess that's what you get for living in Oklahoma...being pretty much smack in the middle of the country, we get everyone else's leftovers. Ha.

Sparkly Christmas lights. This is one of our local art museums, decked out in twinkly colorful finery. But to tell you the truth, even though I'd love to, I can't bring myself to turn on Christmas music and drag out the jolly Santa figurines until after Thanksgiving. But this Friday, you'd better believe I'm going to be weaving strands of Christmas lights into my headboard and making paper snowflakes.
The fact that I have five hundred and eighty followers. You have no idea how much joy it gives me to see that people actually like what I write and photograph. Thanks for putting up with all my dorkiness :)

The crazy ideas Jeremiah comes up with. This is his "Tortilla Man" mask that he fashioned using none other than a tortilla and a knife. Ever since he was a baby, he's been coming up with the most hilarious, but extremely creative, things.

Quesadillas. The buttery, flakey, melted, cheesy triangles of goodness are the epitome of comfort food. No matter what's ailing me, they never fail to cheer me up. And they're so simple, too. I just slather two tortillas with soft butter, slice a few pieces of colby cheese, and fry them in a buttered non-stick pan over medium heat. Delicious.
Shopping. I know, that sounds totally materialistic, but it's true. I love flipping through racks filled with colorful clothing and finding amazing deals. My favorite stores are the moment are Target, Delia's, and H&M. I just wish the latter two were closer...I'm just going to have to deal with shopping online. And don't get me started on the amazing store that is Etsy. I could spend hours on there.
Speaking of Etsy, I've been thinking of opening a shop there, selling some of my photographs. What do you think? Would you be interested? Let me know! :)

Crackling, falling leaves. Even though they are a bit of a nuisance to rake up, I love them.

Having my sweet cat, Patches, curl up on my couch in my room and sleep for hours, only waking up to purr when I pet her. I love that cat.
(Please ignore the purple and white checkered sheet. Embarrassingly, it's still on my couch from when a friend slept over a week ago. I still haven't gotten around to taking off the sheet yet...)
My wonderful friends. I seriously have the best friends a girl could ask for. I'm not one of those people that has a ton of friends...I only have a few really, really, really close ones. You guys know who you are...I love y'all :)

Brownies with a swirly design. I think I'm going to do this to all the brownies I make now. Before placing the pan in the oven, I made swirls in the batter. I love it.
I just wrote about swirly brownies. I really need to get a life.
The new iPod Touch. While I don't have one, I'm planning on purchasing one soon. I've got to hand it to Apple...they have amazing designers. All their products are so sleek, gorgeous, and have wonderful features. It's my dream to have to have a silver MacBook Pro for my next computer. Swoon.

Fields dotted with horses and separated with wooden fences. Enough said.
What are some of your favorite things? I'd love to know!