i heart faces: self portrait

This morning I fully intended to wake up early and get some things done - like write this blog post - but as usual, I overslept. Sigh.

Doesn't everyone love to occasionally take pictures of themselves? I know I do. I'm not talking about filling myriads of albums on Facebook with selfies, but being a photographer, that's okay sometimes. Sometimes we're so busy taking pictures of others that we don't take time to get some photos of ourselves in our albums.  This week's theme at I Heart Faces is self portrait...here's mine.

self portrait for i heart faces

I'm rather fond of this angle...I was trying out several different poses and positions and I liked this one the best.

Do enter in this challenge! I'd love to see you :)


(Psst...would you mind taking an extra second? I'd love to have your vote on the poll in my right sidebar under the followers gadget regarding starting occasional outfit posts on my blog. Thanks!)