outfit post: christmas eve/christmas day
Yes, I wore the same outfit for the Christmas Eve candlelight service and for the Christmas Day service. Cringe. I was running on about four or five hours of sleep on Christmas Day and it was easier to just wear the same outfit. In my defense, though, I did change my shoes. ;)
Oh, before I forget, if I post pictures of my outfits, all the photo credits go to my brother. Thanks Jeremiah!
I promise my skin tone isn't that ghastly red...the camera did something to my skin. Eek.
Black tank top: Target
White top: Gap
Belt: Thrifted
Jeggings: American Eagle (I admit I wasn't sure about the whole jegging craze, but now that I've tried them, I'm in love. They're so comfortable and look just like jeans. Give them a try!)
Shoes: Keds (I wrote more about them in this post)
What do you think? Any suggestions?
Oh, before I forget, if I post pictures of my outfits, all the photo credits go to my brother. Thanks Jeremiah!
PS Winner and finalists for the photo challenge will be posted Wednesday!