Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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miscellaneous ramblings

my inspiration board.
I love the idea of having miscellaneous photographs, clippings from magazines, cards, anything that inspires all together on a board.

inspiration board
All of a sudden, an idea was planted in my brain and it began to grow. Before long, my fingers were covered in paint and super glue and I had the perfect board for my scraps of inspiration.
Want to make a board like mine? You'll need a painting canvas (sold at craft stores), paint, if you want the board to be a different color, super glue, clothespins, and whatever you want to put on the finished board. If you're painting the board, apply it first and let dry. Then, take your clothespins and super glue them on the board according to you liking. Finally, add the items you want on your board and that's it!

inspiration board2
new prints.
I've listed new prints in my shop! Now that things are gradually slowing down when it comes to school, I found some time to do some “housekeeping” in my shop...something that was way overdue. If there are any other photographs you've viewed on my blog that you'd like to see in my shop, don't hesitate to let me know!

outfit: polka dotted girliness.
(and yes, I realize that “girliness” isn't a word...oh well ;))



elbow length tie on shrug – bought in Germany
dress – Delia's
cowboy boots – stolen from my mom

I wore this outfit to church almost two weeks ago (as evidenced by the snow on the ground, even though it was sixty degrees), so I figured I'd share it now before it got too late. ;) It was the first time I'd worn a dress in 2011 – I'm way too much of a wimp to wear dresses when it's twenty degrees outside. I really should wear dresses more often, though, they make me feel so pretty and feminine.
How do you feel about dresses?

the civil wars.
I'm in love with The Civil Wars. If you haven't heard of them, you must go listen to them immediately. You will thank me. Their voices blend seamlessly and the instruments are simple but just right, leaving me able to do nothing but click the replay button over and over. My current favorites are My Father's Father and 20 Years. Swoon.

mustard and grey

mustard and grey by carlottacisternas on

my newest polyvore creation.
I've been absent from Polyvore world lately, but I returned last night with this outfit. I love everything in this set, but I'm not sure that the bag really matches...oh well ;) What do you think?

new life.
gardening {51/365}

After an exceptionally cold winter (which I hope is over for the most part), it's rather thrilling to see all the new life. On Sunday, we spent the afternoon waking the garden from its winter slumber. I'd forgotten how satisfying it was to pull all the weeds, feel the rich dirt in your hands, and plant pretty green plants. And when I spotted some flowers growing on a bush, I couldn't resist snipping off a few blossom filled branches for my room.

DSC_2862 (2)

And speaking of new life, we had a huge thunderstorm this morning. At 9am this morning, it was so dark from the clouds heavy laden with rain that I had to turn on the lights in my room. I loved every minute of it. Thunderstorms are one of my favorite things – I love the cozy feeling of hearing raindrops pelt on the roof, the smell of the rain, the thunder, the lightning. It definitely made my day.

water droplet

How has the weather been in your area lately?

miss dior cherie.

One word: adorable. It captures the essence of Paris so well.

just because she's cute.

After playing with the hose yesterday, Lilly's hair got super curly and she asked me to take a few photographs of it. I, of course, obliged. She finishes up the post quite well, don't you think?
