outfit: weekend casual & some rambles
Cardigan: Target
Tank top: Target
Dangly necklace: a store in Germany whose name I can't remember for the life of me
Jeans: Old Navy
Boots: stolen from my mom
Purse: Payless
(I apologize for the slight blurriness of some of these photos - I didn't realize under it was evening that the focus was set wrong.)
I wore this outfit thrifting this weekend - what do you think? I was unsuccessful in my shopping endeavors, but at least I felt cute ;) I'm sure you've already noticed, but I've really been loving the belted cardigan look lately...I don't like buttoning my cardigans and adding a belt is the perfect addition.
The weather here has been so perfect this week...seventy degrees every day! I even slept with my window open last night and I'm convinced it was the best I've slept all year. A week ago today we had way over a foot of snow, now that it's nearly all melted, that's so hard to believe! I'm not complaining, though - this is my kind of weather. Cold weather is not my thing at all.
I've been toying with the idea of getting an iPod Touch. It's certainly not a necessity, it would be more of a toy, really, but I've been finding myself thinking about the benefits of having one. For those of y'all that own one, do you recommend it? I need your opinion :)
My new blogging muse is Carrie of WishWishWish. Her seemingly effortless elegance, gorgeous photographs, and her love of the nineteen sixties are woven together in a blog. Her posts will leave you inspired and wanting more. If you haven't visited Carrie yet, do so as soon as possible! You won't be disappointed.
I'm babysitting later this evening and I'm spending the night. Spending the night while babysitting is something I've never done before, so I'm curious to see how it'll go. Wish me luck! ;)
Have a lovely evening!