what i want to remember.

Every night, after I get cozy in bed, arrange the pillows just so, and turn on my iPod, I pull out my diary. After tapping my chin with the pen a few times, I start writing. Sometimes I begin writing furiously, not able to get the words from my head to the paper fast enough. Other times, it's a more slow, methodical process of sorting out the day's happenings into their respective mental boxes. Following an introduction of sorts, which usually consists of whatever pops into my mind, I make a list. Instead of dwelling on the downs, I focus on chronicling the ups of that day I want to remember. When I look back on previous entries, I see all the blessings in my life rather than anything negative.

What I want to remember about today:

the deliciously cool breezes rippling through the air, a welcome break from the ninety degree, high humidity  weather we've been having.

this post on the Isle of Capri. I've been pining to visit the ocean again lately and reading this didn't help my longing any.

iced coffee

sipping an iced coffee while scribbling down bits and pieces of nothing into the crisp white pages of a notebook. milk + coffee + ice cubes + ice cream = perfection.

daydreaming about living out in the country, surround by a sea of fields, the grass gently bobbing and swaying in the wind. while I'm most definitely a city girl, I've been embracing my inner hippy. the idea of lying on a quilt in a meadow, daisy chain in my hair, camera in hand, gazing up at the clouds makes me giddy inside. but even though I live in the city, I happen to call Oklahoma home, which means that my perfect meadow is probably not too far away.

bunny in the front yard

seeing a bunny in the front yard. so adorable.

my new design. what do you think? since I'm crushing on anything and everything nautical at the moment, I thought it only fair that my blog reflect me. and honestly? I was rather tired of all the pink. ha. feel free to grab the new button as well!

the fact that spring break is three short days away. I am beyond ready for it to arrive.

jane eyre.

reading Jane Eyre, or at least attempting to. I have yet to get used to the old English, but I'm getting there, little by little.

pill bug.

Lilly's infatuation with pill bugs.

reading Aura Joon. such a gorgeous blog.

What are some things you want to remember about today?
