
(photo challenge winner announced below)

confession: There are times when I'm hopelessly, completely, totally in love with life. When the sky is piercing shade of azure, when the days are long and full of smile inducing memories, when I'm surrounded by people I adore, it's hard not to become giddy with joy. I feel like I've been writing so much about summer and how beautiful everything is, but it's really true. Everything has been ridiculously beautiful and I'm so thankful.

new shoes

confession: I'm not generally a big spender, but when summer rolls around, I get the itch to rejuvenate my wardrobe. And when there are unbeatable sales? I can't help myself. That bag up there? Seventy five percent off, making the total come to $8.74. That's what I call a deal. Have you found any good deals lately?

confession: When it comes to announcing giveaway and photo challenge winners, I'm so bad. Sorry y'all.

raining cats and dogs

The winner of the photo challenge is Kendall! Her photograph was so beautiful; it was a favorite from the start.

confession: I've been thinking about blogging lately. So often people, myself included, only focus on the negative aspects. But without blogging, my writing wouldn't have blossomed so, photography wouldn't be nearly as important to me. I wouldn't have met so many amazing people and wouldn't have discovered things I never knew. So yes, while there are some downsides, the good far outweighs the bad.


confession: I have a slight problem when it comes to photographing flowers. Upon spying brilliant bursts of bloom, delicately unfurling in the warm heat, I can't resist capturing their beauty.

confession: One of my favorite things is impromptu sleepovers. Free of scheduling, leaving time to laugh and giggle far into the night at the most inane things. We had some friends over for the night at the last minute a few days ago and it was perfection. We walked to a nearby outdoor mall, while singing Katy Perry at the tops of our lungs, of course, where we nearly spit out our Starbucks in fits of laughter. It's these simple moments that make the best memories.

confession: Anthropologie makes me swoon. That is all.

Do you have any confessions?

Happy Thursday!


(Psst...want to win four 4x6 prints of my photographs? Go here to enter!)