bonjour: a giveaway
This giveaway is now closed.
France is one of my favorite countries. When I visited it last year, I fell in love with the richness of the culture and the beauty of the countryside. (now that I have German and Latin under my belt, something tells me that learning French should be my next challenge... ;))
To celebrate everything that France is, I'm giving away a bonjour necklace from Piano Bench Designs. This would be so perfect with a loose striped tee and jean shorts...or with a sundress and boots...or with anything, really. I'm jealous, y'all.
Want to enter?
mandatory entry:
Comment on this post with your answer to this question: Florals or stripes?
Though I adore both, I'm going to have to go with stripes. Because I love them that much.
(one entry)
extra entries:
+ follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (i.e., that little follower's gadget in the sidebar)
+ follow me on twitter
+ tweet about the giveaway (please include @pastorsgirl so I can track your tweet)
+ blog about the giveaway – be sure to leave the link in a comment!
(each with one entry...please leave one comment per entry)
+ blog about the giveaway – be sure to leave the link in a comment!
(each with one entry...please leave one comment per entry)
The giveaway will end on Sunday, July 10th, at 9:59pm – any entries submitted after then will not be counted – and the winner will be announced the following week.
Have fun and good luck!