He Never Lets Go (a guest post by Danielle)
Hello friends! First of all, I want to thank Carlotta for letting me guest post on her beautiful blog and for putting up with my indecisiveness about the post topic. ;)
After a few crazy hours deciding what I would post about, I chose to write about something that means a lot to me -- my Savior and His everlasting love. The song You Never Let Go is really close to my heart and one of my favorites, and in this post I'll tell you why.
It's so easy for us to praise God when everything is going great, when we have a job, when our heart is content, when our family is getting along...but what about when things start going down hill? It's not as easy to praise if you are going through a rough spot.
When we are going through trials in life, it's hard to feel God there. But His perfect love is so comforting, and even if we don't feel Him at the time, He is always near. He never lets go of us -- in the good times and bad times. It's easier for us to depend on Him when life is great, but it's even better for us to depend on Him when we are going through storms in life. When life is not perfect.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is praise God. Sometimes I am so caught up in praying for what I don't have and not praising for what He has blessed me with. Even in our hardest times we can still praise God. Because my favorite line of the song goes like this...
After a few crazy hours deciding what I would post about, I chose to write about something that means a lot to me -- my Savior and His everlasting love. The song You Never Let Go is really close to my heart and one of my favorites, and in this post I'll tell you why.
It's so easy for us to praise God when everything is going great, when we have a job, when our heart is content, when our family is getting along...but what about when things start going down hill? It's not as easy to praise if you are going through a rough spot.
"Even though I walk, through the valley, of the shadow of death. Your perfect love is casting out fear. And even when I'm caught, in the middle, of the storms of this life. I won't turn back, I know You are near."
"Oh no, You never let go, through the calm and through the storm. Oh no, You never let go in every high and every low. Oh no You never let go, Lord you never let go of me."
"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. There will be an end to these troubles, but until that day comes. Still I will praise You, still I will praise You."
Still I will praise you -- what a strong verse. There is a light, there will be a time of happiness and joy. But even if the day of happiness is not today, keep holding on because it is coming. I just really want to encourage you to never stop praising God and to know that He will always be there for you, ready to wrap His arms around you, through the calm and through the storm. This song has gotten me through a lot and means so much to me, I am so glad for the opportunity to share it with you.
Thank you again, Carlotta, for letting me post on your blog -- it was wonderful. :)
Have a lovely day!
ps. if you want to listen to the song my favorite versions are here and here
I'm Danielle: photographer, writer, and musician. Jesus is my everything, because without Him, I would be nothing. I love laughter, dancing in the rain makes me happy, floral is my favorite pattern to wear, I don't go anywhere without my camera, and I am the clumsiest person you will ever meet. Pleasure to meet you!
I would love it if you stopped by my blog!
ps. if you want to listen to the song my favorite versions are here and here
I'm Danielle: photographer, writer, and musician. Jesus is my everything, because without Him, I would be nothing. I love laughter, dancing in the rain makes me happy, floral is my favorite pattern to wear, I don't go anywhere without my camera, and I am the clumsiest person you will ever meet. Pleasure to meet you!
I would love it if you stopped by my blog!