looking forward

Situated on a quilt outside, the soft breeze is currently rippling through the leaves and the smell of late summer is prominent in the air.


There's a bush in the yard that is currently yielding some sort of apples -- what kind, we're not sure yet, and we haven't been able to eat them, but I don't mind.
I'm writing with paper and pencil -- typing up the words is an extra step, but still worth it for the gratifying sound of pencil lead scratching against smooth, white paper.


It's Monday, but not just any Monday -- it's the first day of blogging since my rediscovery, the first day of a new style. Honestly, it's scary. It's a big commitment that I've taken up myself, to walk away from posts as I've known them in favor of something richer and different. At the same time, though, it's exciting to feel this mini revolution pulsing through my veins.


Today also marks the beginning of my last week of summer -- it's been one of the best summers of my life. I promised I would be more real in this new chapter, so here goes: I'm dreading the start of classes. It's not that I mind learning, it's just the stress that accompanies it I'm not looking forward to. This summer revealed the answer to what I want to do in life and I'm not ready to give up the job I had these past three months. Sure, there times I was stressed, but it seemed to be a good, real life kind of stress. School is the groundwork for a successful career, yes, but at times it seems a bit silly to slave over a paper that isn't going to matter in the grand scheme of things. I'm not denying the fact that life past school will be difficult and may lack fun and I know this seems rather childish; please don't think I'm complaining,. This is just something that's been weighing heavily on my mind lately.


But I suppose these years will be over before I know it and suddenly I'll be plunged into the real world. This morning, instead of lamenting the end of summer, I sat down at my desk and compiled a list of things I'm looking forward to this fall.


Looking forward to:

the visit of my sister Alina
cooler weather, and consequently, chunky knit sweaters and jeans
my birthday -- actually, our family's birthday season in general
more time spent in the kitchen
the reveal of my exciting project (soon!)
the spicy smells, tastes, and colors of fall
roaring fires on crisp nights
a photoshoot with a friend (ballet themed, no less)
a trip down to my hometown in Texas

The list is taped on the wall next to my desk -- each time I look at it, it makes it a bit easier to let one season of life go and embrace the next.

What are you looking forward to this fall?


p.s. the previous giveaway winner didn't respond, so the winner of any anklet from emily's shop is michaela. congratulations! please email me to claim your prize.