everyday moments: a collaboration


Yesterday was not my day. I got frustrated, raised my voice a little louder than I should have, my makeup was smudged from tears by the end of the day, and I just was not a real fan of life. In those moments, it's so easy to succumb to emotions, to speak and act without thinking, to want to give up on life. Honestly, all I wanted to do yesterday was crawl in a little hole, cry in misery, and not talk to anyone for five years.

As I was editing these photos for today, I realized why I'm so enamored with the little moments. Because bad days are going to happen. They're inevitable. But in every bad day, there are always good moments. Yesterday it was the walk around the neighborhood I took with MeMe. We skipped and laughed and ran in the rain. That fresh air and alone time with my sister made everything a little brighter. And I think if I hadn't had a bad day, that time with MeMe wouldn't have stood out so much. But yesterday, it did -- even though it was wet and cold, the sun was shining in my heart.

And family? Thanks for putting up with me even when I'm not a very nice person. I love you so much.

So these are the everyday moments from October. Another month gone, another set of photos documenting life. Any favorites?
Also, be sure to check out Ellie's photos that will be up soon! (read the story behind everyday moments)


ps a few advertising spots for november are still open! email me for deets if you're interested.