from my room
I woke up this morning and looked around my room. I knew something there was different about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it. And then I realized, oh wait, the piles of clothes are gone, cleaned up the day before. Yes, that's how bad it was. I should really get a grip on my messy nature.
No long rambling thoughts today, no insightful analogies on life or my roller-coaster emotions; just some shots from my room (because if it's clean, it should be documented). My decorating style is a bit of an eclectic mishmash -- part modern, part vintage, part southwestern, part kitschy. Most of the pieces in my room I've either found in our basement, thrifted, or repurposed. I'm satisfied with it at the moment, though; it screams Carlotta, and I feel at home each time I walk in. It's my haven, my own little corner of the world.
Also, I would like to say that it's getting down to thirty one degrees (fahrenheit) tonight and the warmth of the heater greeted me when I walked into the house tonight. Fall has officially arrived in Oklahoma.