Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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liking at the moment

I have a lot of favorites. Lots and lots of favorites. And sometimes, it seems as favorite is a bit overused, just like the term love. So, to avoid using the words favorite or love -- because those are passing and can change easily, here are some things that I really like at the moment.


fall. Oh hey, you know, just the thing that pretty much every blogger is talking (or shall I say writing?) about these days. But that's okay, I love it anyway. Especially since it gives me a justified reason to have my space heater on at all times. It's a little silly to have it on in summer, I know, but I can't help always feeling cold.


new shoes. Courteousy  of a sweet older lady at church. They're perfect.


haircuts. This afternoon I headed for the salon. My favorite part? Having my hair washed. Pure bliss. (is that creepy?) I was long overdue for this cut -- it's a bit shorter than I would've liked it, but after playing with it and styling it different ways, it's growing on me. Thoughts?

And yes, I changed my shirt in between photos. It's how I roll.


sunrise drives. When the sun comes creeping up from behind the horizon, spilling the first rays of light over the landscape, that's where I want to be.


mini-sized outfit shoots. I seriously don't think there's anything more adorable than tiny sized fashion shoots. Most adorable thing ever. And as for Lilly...well, she likes it too ;)


iced coffee. Because I'm all for drinking cold drinks when it's frosty outside and warm drinks when it's sweltering outside. It's all about the opposites, baby. But in all seriousness, I've found myself making iced coffee nearly every afternoon. It's just that delicious -- and easy. Want to make one of your own?

You'll need approximately one cup cold brewed coffee, 1/4 - 1/2 cup milk, ice cubes, sugar to taste, and ice cream. I like to put in my ice cubes in first, pour in the coffee, add the milk and sugar, then the ice cream. Mmm.

What are some things you've been really liking lately?
