monday evening mishmash

her pose, not mine ;)


On my left, the gorgeous eleventh-floor view of downtown San Antonio, the lights from the skyscrapers twinkling and shimmering in the velvety night. And on my right, MeMe sprawled out next to me, and Alina on the other bed, typing. We just got back from wandering around the riverwalk -- which is right at the foot of our hotel. We saw the Alamo, which is even more beautiful at night, listened to mariachi bands, and I photographed my hipster brother.


It's Monday. But not a typical Monday -- no, it's far from a normal start to the week. I'm in San Antonio at the moment; we left my hometown near Houston early this morning. It was so good to see all our old friends, but this is right now and I'm happy. My mind is a bit jumbled at the moment -- so many emotions and so much to see in such a little amount of time. Hence, the choppiness of this post. But more often than not, I find it therapeutic to just write and get it all out there.

I like fancy hotels. They make me feel sophisticated, something I am far from, but I like pretending. Humor me, will you? As we all rode the elevator to our room, we all began dancing to the music playing. No sooner did I comment, "Wouldn't it be funny if someone walked in right now?" than the door opened and a man walked in. Yes. There was an awkward silence.

relaxing in the roof top hot tub.
And yesterday was the perfect rainy Sunday. It rained in south east Texas for the first time in a long time, a steady pouring stream of water from the sky. I spent the afternoon in leggings with a button up and scarf, reading against a mountain of pillows as the raindrops continued to fall. And when pillows, a warm blanket, a book, and rain is combined, the end result is a slumbering me.


And just because she's cute, and because I can't think of a better way to end a post, here's Lilly singing Home.

Happy Monday!
