waffles + rain

saturday morning breakfast
simple math

I like Saturdays. Simple, relaxed, cozy -- just how I like it. And when you throw in an early morning, making waffles for the fam with the radio on and rain drumming on the roof? Perfection. I prefer to be alone in the kitchen, mixing, sifting, creating, waiting for the moment when I can open the door and walk out with a steaming platter of goodness. And so I can take photos undisturbed, too, of course ;)

But now it's the beginning of a new week, work and school have resumed after Thanksgiving break, and the quiet loveliness of Saturday is just a distant memory. I'm looking back at photos, counting down the days until Christmas -- just eighteen days until break! -- and listening to Crazy Girl on repeat (in other words, I am such a sap). I love my folk+indie artists, but there's something about country music that gets me every time. I blame my Texas roots.

What's your idea of a perfect Saturday morning?