the sound of silence

I am constantly surrounded by sound. Music, people's voices, the cars outside, the pitter-patter of rain or the whistle of the wind. And sometimes, the constant stream of noise suddenly crosses that line, switching from enjoyable to unbearable and my head starts to pound. Sometimes, I just need silence.

When I turn everything off and let the quiet slowly descend, wrapping around me like a cloak, it feels as if though I am taking a deep breath. It's a pleasant kind of silence, swirling around me and settling on my shoulders. The quiet washes over me and fills my ears and I can feel myself start to relax.

Maybe it's the unusual weather, or the stress of the past week (finally on christmas break as of yesterday, hallelujah!), but I've been in a pensive, quiet, observant mood lately. Call me anti-social, but lately I've honestly preferred to sit alone with my writing than having to go out and talk to other human beings. I've been writing letters to people that I'll never send, sitting at my desk staring at the slate-grey sky, and unintentionally dressing in rather sober colors (need to get some more color in my winter wardrobe). Winter's kind of depressing sometimes, I have to confess. But for now, I'll try to throw myself into the Christmas spirit and sit in silence and write.

ps I'm currently in the process of updating my faq page -- any questions you have that you'd like for me to include? feel free to leave them here or via email. thanks friends!