the world awakening.


There are, of course, the sounds that are immediately apparent--the distant hum of the highway, the dog rooting in the yard, or the dull roar of an airplane flying overhead. But then there are the ones that aren't so immediately apparent, like the quiet rustle of the wind stirring through the bushes and trees or the water trickling its way through the rich soil, staining it a shade darker. And the birds, what seem to be a thousand, calling back and forth in the air, some warbling and some trilling a simple song. There's the wonderful feeling of sunshine browning skin and the earthy smell of spring that beckons a deep breath, an aroma so ambrosial it could be bottled up and sold. And let us not forget the sweet sensation of bare toes on new grass--that's something that could be bottled too.

Spring is more than just the world awakening from winter's slumber; it's a rejuvenation of the mind and senses, too. Forgotten sights and beauty that once again unfurls just as the memories of last spring were beginning to fade, bring along with it hope and contentedness...and I think I like that feeling best of all.