finding your voice || carlotta cisternas

The longer I've been established and grown in the blogging community, the more something has become increasingly apparent. It's something that can become hidden underneath a thick layer of determination to be the perfect blogger, the perfect person. There is a pressing need to conform into somebody--something--you're not until all that's left is air swirled thickly with falsity plastered behind screens.

One of the things I'm very passionate about is finding your voice and making use of it. It can be easy to get lost in the rules and regulations that, when followed, are supposedly a recipe for success. It can be easy to become so driven to become the perfect blogger that you lose your own voice in the process. But pretending to be somebody you're not isn't what this whole journey is about. There's only one you. Why give up that precious, unique identity in favor of mimicking that one blogger everyone wants to be like?  Don't become discouraged because you have different tastes and opinions, or heck, a whole different life. Because the fact of the matter is: there is only one you, with a very unique heart, mind, and voice. It shouldn't be wasted.

This is the launch of Carlotta Cisternas. This is my voice, coming out stronger and clearer than before, breaking out of its shell. pastor's girl's ponderings has finally been laid to rest and I'm glad to be emerging fresh. Along with my dear friend Hannah--who's also just launched her new site!--I've been working and planning for this day for weeks and weeks...and I'm so excited that it's finally here.

Don't worry though; it's still the same Carlotta, with the same photographs and the same posts--just a different name and different look. Feel free to explore the new site, take a peek at the updated pages, and let me know what you think. I can't wait for the next part of this journey to begin.