under the stars


I made no less than five trips outside, my arms full of fluffy bedding, this hook, and that blanket. It really is amazing to see how much work it is to set up a bed outdoors, but it was so worth it. When the sun slipped away and night fell, the dog and I went outside. I slid into the bed I'd made earlier while Sarge turned in circles before laying down beside me with a sleepy sigh, then parted the mosquito net and gazed at the vastness above me. The sky never fails to make me and my problems feel wonderfully small and insignificant. I cannot fathom the greatness of the heavens stretched far above me and it's a rather comforting thought in a strange way.
In the morning, Lilly flew across the backyard, the door slamming in her wake, and jumped into bed with me, snuggling close against my body. In the light of the rising sun, I couldn't think of a more magical moment. Sleeping outside is my favorite.