things to be happy about, v.10

top: thrifted // jeans: american eagle // shoes: thrifted // suspenders: my dad's // butterfly hair pin: anthropologie // bracelets: miscellaneous
As of Monday, I am an official working woman.
I've always considered myself a person that loves change, but talking is easier than doing. When it comes to actually going through with those big changes, I get terribly scared to leave my familiar comfort zone. But on Monday, I was hired at my local Gap as a sales associate, following an interview that made my insides turn to mush due to nervousness. I was scared that I wouldn't get accepted; scared that my life would change too drastically; scared about a new environment; scared about everything.
I survived, though! I start training sometime next week and then have to learn how to balance yet another thing on my plate. But don't get me wrong, I feel so blessed to call this crazy life my life. And I'm excited to get working! I can't wait to get out there and learn new things and meet new people, despite that (big) part of me that's scared and not ready to grown up. I've been living by faith and Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."
A few more things to add to my happy list...
wearing suspenders (yay for dads with good fashion sense) | leaves that fall with every gust of wind and curl up at the edges | morning tea rituals | playing "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift on repeat (I probably should be more ashamed than I actually am) | and speaking of Taylor Swift, this adorably awkward video using Taylor's lyrics as pickup lines | saturday morning bike rides to the farmer's market | an autograph from James Vincent McMorrow to me, curteousy of the amazing Abbey (yes I know!!!) | that pleasantly heavy, warm feeling of an extra quilt on the bed | exciting new jobs
What are some things that are making you smile lately?