
It is between the second and third weeks of advent, and between the Christmas play at church (I was the main angel that lit up with lcd lights... I know), decorating the house, and bringing in a beautiful little fraiser tree, we have been properly preparing. There are still cookies to bake, presents to hunt for and wrap, Christmas movie marathons to be had, four main food groups to stick to--candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup--and a special service to attend. Last night, I'm fairly certain I ruptured my vocal cords from singing The Twelve Days of Christmas (fiiiive golden riiiings), and tonight I'm listening to Christmas music and picking superglue off my hands (it takes great talent to accidentally get a whole tube all over your hands). Oh, despite my (very) frazzled brain, I'm getting into the Christmas spirit alright.
What Christmas-y happenings have been going on in your homes?