josie alex | interview 03

Happy April Fools, guys! Pull any hilarious pranks today? I must confess, the prank I pulled today with a friend was big and successful ;) But enough about pranks: Josie is greater than any prank ever could be. Not only is she gorgeous, she has an amazing sense of fashion and is an insanely talented musician. And let's all just gush about her room a second: slkdfjsdlkjflkf. She's just an all around cool person, and I'm so happy to have her on the blog today.
Find her here: blog + twitter + instagram + pinterest

   Hello! I'm Josephina Hope Alex, but on most websites I go by Josie Hope or Josie Alex. And the first thing you should know about me is that I'm terrible at writing about myself. There is just something so difficult about encompassing a whole character and then describing it with words. So we should just meet sometime. Sound good?
   The second thing is my age. I'm sixteen going on seventeen. (Sound of Music, anyone?) I'm a student at Veritas Press Scholars Academy, and I also dual enroll at a local university.
   Even though school keeps me pretty busy, I make time to occasionally photograph an outfit. I document those photos on my tumblr blog, which started out as a 365. Even though I've had it for over a year, I've kept the simplicity of the "1:365" format to avoid writing. Sometimes I also post a few words from someone who said something better than I could. I started the blog for a few far away friends who wanted to see more "OOTD" pictures. It isn't the most important thing in my life, so I've kept it very relaxed and have definitely enjoyed everything I'm learning from having it.

Lately, I've been playing with juicing, gluten free eating, and vegan dieting. However, I've been a vegetarian for years. I love all different sorts of food, and recently this recipe adapted into tacos, nachos, and salads has been a favorite. I have a bit of an excessive Pinterest habit, but in my defense, I do actually make a lot of the recipes from my "f o o d" board.

One of my dreams growing up was to have a four poster bed. So when we remodeled our home, I stuck a giant IKEA four poster bed in my room. And I haven't looked back since.

One of my favorite books is Till we Have Faces, C.S. Lewis. For many reasons, I always think of that book when I have to make a list. I will also always be a Harry Potter nerd.

Everything. I don't have a specific style. I'm entranced by bohemian looks one day, preppy the next, and after that vintage or tribal. It's always different.

My music tastes are all over the place just like my style. I have a super big crush on Justin Timberlake, but at the same time Lykke Li is too much fun. Some of the older bands I love are Fleetwood Mac (Gold Dust Woman) and the Beatles (I've Just Seen a Face). I listen to a lot of classical and fiddle music too because I play the violin.

wild card
I recently cut off 13 inches of my (virgin) hair. I miss it dearly.

see other interviews here