Posts tagged decorating
a room tour
Like I mentioned in the video, I got a request a couple weeks ago to do a tour of my room...I just now got around to doing it, mainly because my room was a disaster before ;) 

I promise you I don't have a sunburn...I just used the video capability on my point and shoot camera (too bad I couldn't use my DSLR, huh? :)) and it likes to do weird things to my face. 

And I apologize about the shaky video...I'm not sure why my hands were so shaky.

Note: I'm trying Vimeo to host this video for the first time...let me know if it doesn't work. I just got sick of Blogger taking forever to upload the stinkin movie.

Okay, I'll stop trying to prolong the inevitable, bite the bullet, and let y'all watch the video. Eek. 

Before watching this video I didn't realize I moved my eyebrows so much when I talk! Upon asking MeMe, she said that I do it all the time. Well. You learn something new about yourself everyday ;) 

As you might have been able to see, my decorating style is sort of modern mixed with a bit of vintage. My room isn't perfectly decorated, but rooms are always a work in progress, aren't they? :) 

What does your room look like? 


PS I would have posted this earlier, but the video took so long to upload! Sorry :)
geeky carlotta, among other things
Today I did some rearranging in my room - I moved around my "office" space. How I had it before wasn't working out too well. I loved how it looked, but there simply wasn't enough room. Between my laptop and school things strewn all over the desktop, it got a bit challenging trying to find a clear space.


Above is how it used to be. I loved this arrangement - looks wise. Practicality wise...well, like I said before, it wasn't working out. 

While cleaning my room this morning, I decided to do something about it. So I switched the desk to the other wall...

...and in the space between the desk and the wall, I rolled in a storage cart. When I need more space during my online classes, etc, I can set my laptop on this cart, atop the cooling rack (aka a cookie rack stolen from my mom).

Since I was already moving things around, I figured it would be a good time as any to clean out my desk. Oh boy, was that a task! I discovered these geeky glasses...

It's probably not hard to put two and two together. Geeky glasses + a crazy girl =

Geeky Carlotta! Excuse my face. I'm really not sure why I was compelled to contort my mouth into something that looks strangely like a platypus' mouth. Or why I was compelled to make my eyes freakishly wide. I hope you're not scared to death now. 

(It's okay if you're scared to death, though. To tell you the truth, I kind of scare myself to death.)

And desk drawers are all pretty! Although, this is the only drawer that looks somewhat good. The others are organized, but definitely not pretty. 

I'll stop rambling about drawers now.

So, what do you think of the new arrangements? Do you have any suggestions to make it better?

ikea love
I didn't know it was possible to love a store so much...but I've found out that it is possible. IKEA is my favorite store ever. Even more than PBTeen (Gasp! Did I just say that?! I still love PBTeen to death, though). I was already in love with IKEA before I had ever really visited it (I went once when I was maybe 5, but I don't really remember it), but from what I had seen on the website...Someone help me before I faint. That one fatefully wonderful time I went to their page online, I knew I was going to need therapy. 

So, can you imagine how excited I was when we pulled into the parking lot? I would've been jumping up and down if the seatbelt hadn't restrained me. Squeal!!! Seeing this picture makes my heart go pitter patter all over again (I told you I need therapy...)

This whole dining set - a table with four chairs - was only $99.99. $99.99! I almost bought it. Kind of. I wouldn't have known where to put it anyway, though.

I fell in love with this poster, even though I don't live or have any connections to New York (except for my dad's cousin that I hardly know). I loved everything about it...but I didn't dare look at the price. I didn't want to tempt myself even more, as I knew I didn't have room...sadly I can't find it online.

Does this lamp look familiar? I loved it on the website, but I wasn't sure if I liked it in real life...ah well.

They had the most amazing fabrics, really more pieces of art than fabric. I should have gotten some...I don't know what I was thinking.
Here's what I ended up getting, though...

I got two of the same tables, one is a nightstand and the other a coffee table. I also got a lamp...can you see it on top of the books? I love it.

My new nightstand is so much better than the one I had (above)...excuse the dust.

(My coffee table)

I also got some of the vases I was raving about :) 
On the website it said they were $1.99 each, but when I got to the store they were $2.99 each. It wasn't a big deal, so I picked up a couple. As I was checking out, I asked the cashier if the $1.99 was an online only special, or if the prices just got raised. I figured I didn't have anything to lose. She said yes, it was an online only special...oh well. 
But as she was finishing up scanning my items, she said "Well, I'm not supposed to, but I'm going to anyway." When she gave me the receipt, I saw that she had given me the vases for $1.99! I was totally fine with paying $2.99 - it is only a dollar extra - but it was so nice of her to do that.
It just goes to never hurts to ask :)

I digress.

So the grand total for the 6 items? $32.41. Man. I couldn't get one of the tables for that little anywhere else.

I love IKEA.

think color
Note: This is a scheduled post; comment moderation is disabled, as I am here to moderate comments. I have turned it off you so don't have to wait and wait for your comment to appear.

I think I've found my new favorite design book (aside from Apartment Therapy...that's going to stay as one of my favorites for a long time!) - Think Color by Tricia Guild.

The most I've been able to do is look at some of the pictures, but from what I've The rooms! Oh, the rooms. 

I can see a lot of Indian (India) influeneces in it...the rooms have very clean and simple lines, but they don't look minimalistic, as there are lots of colorful accents.

Have you ever seen a cooler couch?! I think I'm going to faint.

Hold on a second. White, pink, and orange? *thunk* (that was my head hitting the floor. I fainted.)

Okay, seriously. That plant in the green vase? It's a flower. Oh my. I love it.

Have a wonderful day! I will be back Tuesday afternoon/evening.
