Posts tagged fernweh
an ache for the distance

It's made up of wishes and hopes, schemes and dreams, all pulled together by sheer determination and plain hard work. Looking back over the past few months, I'm in disbelief that we actually made it. It's been a whirlwind of excitement and now, it's a reality. That's one thing I love about the internet -- what might seem a crazy idea at first can actually be made manifest. That knowledge that six girls spread across the globe can come together and create something like this, regardless of distance, is astounding.

I'd like to introduce you to Fernweh, an online magazine that celebrates the simple life. Fernweh is a German word -- it literally means farsickness, or an ache for the distance (read our manifesto to learn more about the name). We hope to communicate this feeling to you by our articles, which include fashion, photography, food, and literature. To put it mildly, I'm crazy excited about this. Be sure to check it out and give us your feedback!

Libby, Katie, Abbey, Hannah, Kendall...I love you all so much. And I think we make a pretty great team, no?

Oh, and happy 2012, lovelies. I rang in the new year curled up in bed, reading a book. That has to count for something, right?
