Posts tagged photography
callyn and stasia || ballet

Once upon a time, I thought I could be a dancer. Hah. Haha. Hahahahhaha. Yeah no, I am way too uncoordinated/inflexible to ever be a dancer (although I took a year of ballet when I was 6! That counts for something right?!). But my little sisters are ballerinas and so is my best friend, so obviously their danciness (making up new words here, okay) rubbed off on me. I love nothing more than going to the ballet on Sunday afternoon and getting lost in a dreamy, twirly world.

Callyn and Stasia wanted me to capture their gorgeousness and document their dancing.
Stasia (top picture) is such a sweet, sweet soul; her crazy beautiful long hair and her little wispy self is so fairy-like. I just want to hug her to death!
Despite beyond drop-dead gorgeous, the thing I love most about Callyn (bottom picture) is her laugh. It's all cute and scrunchy and genuine and makes you want to laugh right along with her. And she gives the best hugs! I love me some Callyn time.
And Callyn and Stasia are the cutest best friends. It's so adorable to watch them interact and make each other giggle. Oh, and how could I forget their dancing?! Their love for their craft just radiates and it's so beautiful to watch.

Enjoy ♥
chasing the sun

Reagan Noelle.
Best friend/favorite model/partner-in-crime.
It's fun to have friends that let you boss them around and stick a camera in their face.
(also parking garages seem to be my locations of choice...)
adventures in bicycling & an annoucement

For my birthday, I got a new bike. I'd long since outgrown my old one, and still in the bicycling spirit from all our adventures in Germany, my mom and I were determined to find a new one as a birthday present. We'd given up hope that we'd find a proper one in time, but two days before my birthday I spotted the one while at a thrift store. It was from the 1970s and in almost new condition--there were a few spots of rust and some dirt, but it was nothing a good cleaning couldn't fix. We purchased the bike, and then I got to work on my new treasure the next day. After some scrubbing and polishing and some flowers on the handlebars, my baby was looking pretty spiffy. I took her out for a spin to the river with the rest of the family and it's safe to say I'm in love. Since then, we've been bicycling so much more; exploring neighborhoods and finding spots to take photographs and discovering hidden trails are the big things to do in the family these days. Here are some shots from our travels thus far...

(...and keep on reading to find out about a new little venture of mine!)

And now for a little announcement: You may have already seen this if you're friends with me on facebook or follow me on twitter, but I'm excited to announce I've finally officially launched as a dance photographer! I get to take pictures of dancers and ballerinas doing their thing and I'm convinced it's the best job in the world. Dance photography is a passion that has been formulated and worked on so hard during the past few months and it's so lovely to bring it all to frutition. Check out my brand spankin' new website and my snazzy new facebook page (like it maybe?). I'm so excited for this new journey and I'm so glad I have all you lovely people to share it with me. x
callyn & reagan

This is Callyn...

...and this is Reagan.

Where should I start with these girls? Not only are they sisters to each other, but they're also sisters to me as well (if only in friendship...but that still counts, right?!). The time we spend together is usually spent laughing over the silliest things and chatting about nothing and everything at the same time. They also just happen to be my favorite models and are willing to execute all the crazy ideas I have...those kinds of friends are the best. ;)

Both girls have been taking ballet since they were tiny and they constantly awe me with their skills. Last week, I took pictures of Callyn at the river at sunset and Reagan came along. Here are some frames of their beauty...enjoy.