Posts tagged school
did you know...
...that according to Bohr, the electrons for each atom are found in energy levels?

...that there are three isotopes of helium (H-4, H-3, and H-5)?

...that the mass of a proton is 1.7 x 1024 g?

...that all the elements, excluding hydrogen, in column 1A of The Periodic Table Of Elements are soft metals and are highly reactive?

...that the outer energy level never has more than eight electrons?

Yeah, me neither.

(Granted, there may be science experts reading this and probably know all this information. I am most definitely NOT a science expert. Which is why I didn't know this before science class today.)

The wonderful world of science. Although, the world of science can be quite evil, as it makes me want to pull out my hair at times (Oh, who am I kidding. It makes me want to pull out my hair ALL the time.).

Happy Monday!

blogging break
I have so much to do this week, so I'm going to be taking a break from blogging. Well, maybe not a complete break (I love it too much! :)), but I probably won't be posting more than a few pictures.

I will still be updating my Project 365 blog.

Don't worry, though, I should really be back within a week or so!

I am cramming for exams I have to take next week...I probably should have started studying earlier...I have NO clue how I'm going remember all this information!
I'll be glad when next week is over...