Posts tagged upstairs bathroom
upstairs bathroom update
 I can't believe it's almost done. After weeks of thinking we would never have two full bathrooms again, we are thisclose to being done.

The wainscoting is in place, waiting to be painted.

The toilet is in!

Except there's no bathroom door, so I have yet to use it [the toilet]. 

All the grouting is done (Hallelujah! Even though I only grouted about half a wall - hehe - I don't like that stuff. At all).

And the shower is all hooked up - all that's missing is the shower curtain.

I can't wait to take a long shower with this lovely shower head providing the water:)

(I was supposed to take a picture of "the beautiful plumbing job". I'm not sure what and "ugly plumbing job" looks like, but I obliged and took a picture. It's kind of growing on me.)

I came home yesterday from my mini 'trip' and found ALL the plumbing material and tools gone from my room (the plumbing for the shower is in my room, behind a little door). My room looked 20 times cleaner!
The landing looks almost empty without all the equipment filling it too. I had grown so used to it all I didn't realize it could actually be clean! :)

The only things that are left are painting/whitewashing (we haven't quite made up our minds) the wainscoting and putting in the sink. Our handyman friend that is helping us had surgery on his knee yesterday, so he obviously couldn't do anything, but as soon as he's recovered he'll put in the sink.


It's come a long way from this!

I am one happy girl (it's kind of sad that I'm so excited about a bathroom of all things, but I'm beyond excited that no one has to fight over the shower anymore! :)).

bathroom update

the tiling of one wall is finished - the grout just needs to be put in. we will most likely have a sink and toilet in by the end of the week - woohoo!!!!!

it's ridiculous how excited i am about a bathroom...but i'm really loving how it's turning out. the grey we have on the wall is sooo pretty, and we're using subway tile (rectangular tile). love. 

what is left to do:

-painting the trim
-putting in the tile grout
-tiling the shower area
-putting up the wainscoting
-putting in the sink and toilet
-fixtures (i.e. bathtub knobs, etc)

we're in the "homestretch"...yay! 

goodbye swans
In our upstairs bathroom that we're redoing are (or should I say were) hand painted swans on the walls...I took a few pictures before they were completely covered with primer!

I was a little late taking this picture...can you see the primer on the bottom?

They're cute...but to be honest I wasn't too crazy about them...and the paint was chipping in some parts too.
I am beyond ready for this remodel to be over with...

I should be back by tomorrow!

This is what our bathroom looks like right now...I didn't realize how much I depended on it before! I'll admit that I've walked in there (many times) to look in the mirror/wash my hands...I don't think this mess would do the job!
Oh, I read yesterday in this month's issue of House Beautiful that they're predicting that grey will be one of the new 'it' colors in home decorating...especially grey pared with white (click here to read our plans (it's in the second half of the post) for our bathroom)...we will have one trendy bathroom!
There will be one happy girl in this house when the bathroom is finished, that's for sure! :)