happiness is...

It's Happiness Is time again...I'm one happy girl this Wednesday...we're leaving on our trip tomorrow morning! Woohoo! Just so you know, though, my grandma doesn't have internet access, so I won't be blogging. Yes, you would think I've already been away enough...sorry! I may schedule a post or two, but I have sooo much still to do before we leave, so don't count on it...
Also, I will turn comment moderation OFF for any scheduled posts so you don't have to wait and wait and wait for your comment to show up :)
I will be back Tuesday afternoon/evening.

Alright, after all that boring stuff, let's get started.

Happiness is...
...going to the ballet with my friend. It was soooo good (you can read my post on it here).

...that that bathroom is almost done!! I know, I know, I've already posted about this a ridiculous amount of times, but you don't know how much easier this make life!

What are two things that made you happy this week?
