happiness is...

Summer is getting nearer and nearer, folks...I can practically taste it. Only two more science classes (I CANNOT wait until it's over), and everything else is winding down. Ahh :)

Enough talk about summer (or I'm going to get WAY too excited)...let's get down to business.

Happiness is...
...Saturday mornings spent at the Farmer's Market.
...seeing horses for the first time (up close) in quite a while. Man. I wish I had taken advantage of our two horses while we had them...

What are two things that made you happy this week?


PS I think next week for Happiness Is I might try to set up a MckLinky and make it a blog hop. If I do, would you participate? If I don't get enough people that are willing, I don't think I'm going to bother, though. It's all up to y'all :)