my new favorite photographer
Yesterday I had the privilege of seeing my best friend Andi. (Is she not beautiful?! I have a gorgeous best friend.)
I hate that she lives here in Texas and I live in Oklahoma, eight hours apart. Sigh. But we manage through Facebook, Skype, and emails...
I digress.
I took my "fancy pancy" camera (her words, not mine) with me to her house...and she pounced on the opportunity to use it, as she, too, is interested in photography. All I have to say is that she's very talented - when she's not taking awkward pictures of me, that is ;)
*Credit for all photos except the above, which was taken by me, goes to Andi*

She found this camera at an antique shop in Vermont for twenty five dollars. It retails for five hundred. A good buy, no? Love these photos.
One of her dogs, Rosie. She's a yellow lab and I love her to pieces.
Andi's favorite shoes. She's very sad that they have a hole in them (but she wears them anyway).
So, what do you think? She's my new favorite photographer :)