at his finest & macro friday

This is...

(his "signature" move...niiice) brother... his...

...absolute finest.

He's silly, crazy, hyper at times, but he's my brother. While these pictures aren't the best, they show him. Jeremiah is the person I can tell everything (well, almost everything). He'll give me advice, although sometimes crazy advice, he laughs at my jokes no matter how corny they are. And I love him :)

Switching to a different topic, here's my Macro Friday shot. I'm sticking it in this post because I'm too lazy to write another one ;)

I love Oreos. You can look forward to more photos from this shoot, which I'll post sometime in the future :)

Also, you guys are awesome. I was reading through the comments on my last post (which just kept pouring in!), and y'all were so encouraging, so sweet. You nearly brought me to tears. I got email upon email from readers telling me not to give up, that it's only a phase. I want to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart. You mean so much to me! 

And while I'm on the topic of blogging, I reached 200 followers today! I've decided I'm going to have a giveaway to celebrate the occasion, so be on the look out for that.

Have a wonderful Friday!
