chocolate chip cookies from heaven

I obsess over chocolate chip cookies. I think they're my favorite simple, but so delicious. I like them a little crispy, but still soft at the same time. But I can't stand doughy cookies. Ick.

So, because I'm fairly picky when it comes to cookies, it's hard to find the perfect recipe. I stumbled across a new one yesterday, and decided to give it a try.

I whipped up the ingredients (these are super easy!) and tried the batter. It was scrumptious. After eating a bit, I walked around the kitchen, moaning, "This is so good. Oh my gosh. This is so good. This is so, so good." (other words failed me at the moment ;)) It took a great deal of self control to only eat three spoonfuls of the stuff.

When the cookies were finished baking, I tested one. And about fell over. The finished product was even better than the dough. I didn't think a cookie this good was achievable. Is it possible to swoon over a cookie? Because I'm swooning, big time. These cookies are pure buttery, chocolatey goodness. They're like chocolate chip cookies sent from heaven.

I have now found the perfect chocolate chip recipe. It's the one, folks. It's the recipe that going to be all worn and tattered. The recipe that will soon be so familiar I'll know it by memory. The recipe that is going to be passed down from generation to generation in my family. Okay, maybe not the last part. I'm being a bit dramatic. But really. Make these. Your life will be forever changed.

What's your favorite kind of cookie?


PS I'm a bit obsessed with rounded corners on my photos right now. Just thought I'd let you know ;)