miscellaneous ramblings

1. delia's. Have you heard of this store? I found it a couple months ago and I'm completely obsessed. I have yet to order something, but I hope to soon - maybe these shoes? I adore them.
Delia's stuff is so darn cute - you should definitely check it out!

2. lilly & a tennis ball. I don't know what it is, but there's something I love about this photo. I didn't see that my brother tossing a tennis ball got into the photo until later, but I kind of like it.

3. 10 days. 10 days until we go to Germany, that is. Ohh yes. I'm so excited. I am absolutely ecstatic to see all my family again - family I haven't seen in over two years! We used to go pretty much every year, but we haven't been able lately. And the second thing I'm ecstatic about? The pictures I'll be able to take. I'm SO stoked.

4. yep. I'm still obsessed with photos that have rounded corners. Hence the rounded-corner photos in this post. Raise your hand if you like this look too! *waves hand wildly*

5. the weather is gorgeous. It really is. These past few days it's been between 75 and 85, with the humidity at a super low 25 percent or so. I could really get used to this.

6. giveaways. Y'all can expect some great giveaways on my blog soon! I'm going to hold another two winner giveaway sometime in early September, as well as a regular one in October. So excited!

7. i love golden light. Isn't this light just so yummy? I went to a nearby college with my dad last night, and I couldn't resist snapping a picture.

You've heard all about what I've been up to...but what about you? What's been going on in your life lately?
