happiness is...
Wow. Y'all blew me away last week. Twelve links! That's huge improvement over the 3-4 links I was getting a few weeks ago. Do you possibly think we can top it this week? Please? ;)
Remember, if I don't get more than five links, I'm closing Happiness Is down for an undecided amount of time.
To join in the fun, just write a post with two things- or more, if you think rules are meant to be broken ;) - that made you happy this week, with a link to my blog (or, instead of a link, you could grab the button). Then link up here - it's that simple!
Happiness is...

Remember, if I don't get more than five links, I'm closing Happiness Is down for an undecided amount of time.
To join in the fun, just write a post with two things- or more, if you think rules are meant to be broken ;) - that made you happy this week, with a link to my blog (or, instead of a link, you could grab the button). Then link up here - it's that simple!
Happiness is...

...a lovely drive to a nearby town. My dad had to preach at another congregation out in the country...I had a blast taking pictures of fields on the way back.

...being able to visit with my beautiful friend Andi (Even if she did steal my camera. Tehe.) Yes, I know I've gushed over the time I spent with her more than once. But, really, if you have friends that live far away, you understand what I'm talking about.
What was happiness for you this week? Link up and let me know!