miscellaneous ramblings

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1. bicycles. Look at all of them! Bicycling is one of the main ways of transportation in Germany - it's easy, quick, inexpensive, gives you a bit of a workout, and it's ecofriendly. Since everything is so close, bicycling makes even more sense.

2. h&m. I'm a bit obsessed. The last time I'd gone to one was two years ago, when we were in Germany the last time. Yesterday I paid a visit to the store, and it was even better than I'd remembered. I'm now calling it the "IKEA of clothing". I found the most adorable peacoat (which I'm unable to find online) and a headband that I'm in love with. So pretty. 

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3. a sneak peek... This is a sneak peak of something I'm going to share soon. Any guesses to what it is?

4. a question. Do you like my Miscellaneous Ramblings posts separated into different topics by numbers (like I'm doing now) or not numbered - just separated by paragraph breaks? I like both, and can't decide between the two. I need your help!

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5. isn't it the prettiest thing? There was a market here a few days ago...you could buy and sell horses, chickens, donkeys, dogs, cats, etc. I spotted this horse and fell in love. I've always had a thing for brown and white horses.

6. my blogging hero. The Pioneer Woman. Ree takes beautiful photos, her writing cracks me up, and her recipes are mouthwatering. I want to be like her when I grow up.

7. are you getting tired yet? Of hearing about Germany, that is. Because I could keep on talking about it forever...and ever...and ever. As you've probably noticed. But I don't want to bore you. So let me know ;)
