Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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Yesterday my dad and I went on a walk after my classes were over. It was drizzling, cold, and overall unpleasant outside. We made our way out into the countryside (not very far at all...everything is so close in Germany!) and all of sudden the sun started to come out while it was still raining. I didn't have my camera with me - I was too lazy to get the memory card when we left, which was downstairs. When I saw how beautiful everything was in the fields, I lamented the fact that I didn't bring my camera. 

We turned around and headed back to my grandparent's house. I didn't really want to walk all the way back, but my dad saw that I was rather saddened over not being able to capture the beauty. He suggested that we instead bicycle back the spot...and this time with my camera.

I'm so glad he insisted on going back. When we arrived, it was even more gorgeous than ten minutes before. The sun shined next to the dark clouds and the water droplets on the vegetation shimmered and glistened in the light. I alternated between standing in the middle of the road in awe and running around like a chicken trying to accurately photograph everything. It was stunning. The only word I had at the time to describe the scene in front of me was "vivid". It was really, truly vivid. And incredible beautiful. It totally made my day - it was like a little present from God.

Have you ever experienced something like I did? Something so amazing that you just had to stop in your tracks and take it all in?


PS I've started resizing my photos and using a different uploading system. I know I've asked you this before, but would you mind telling me how fast my blog loads for you on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the fastest)? Thank you so much!