i'm grateful this christmas eve

It's Christmas Eve - a fact that I still have trouble wrapping my mind around.
Blame it on the fact that I'm getting older or maybe it's because how busy I've been, but this is the first Christmas that I haven't been counting down the days.
There are some moments when I wish time would slow down. December has gone by in such a blur I've barely had time to catch my breath and enjoy the season. Instead, it's been a frantic rush of getting everything done in time, going from to place to place.
But I'm not complaining. No, this Christmas Eve, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the chance to celebrate another Christmas. I'm grateful to be surrounded by loving family and friends. I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for my camera. I'm grateful for the little things in life. And I'm so, so very grateful that God sent down His Son on Christmas to save us from our sins, the greatest gift of all.
What are you grateful for this Christmas?
Merry Christmas!

(Our Christmas card from this year - it was the first time that I've taken all the photos and made the card by myself ;) (last name blurred out for privacy reasons))
PS I don't want to take away the meaning of this post, but this is just a reminder that today is your last day to enter in my photo challenge!)